Care Business Activity
Care activity is done with preserve and machine care and tool substitution efforts if terjai damages. There is works program even each month ala ruin with care time up to 8 hours.
Care effort covers clear compartement's turbine and aksesorisnya,clearing oli's leakage at gear box, GT enclosure, and auxiliary enclosure, clearing screen radiator, deputize for liquid filter on pump's HP, deputize for liquid fuel filter on engine and another activity.
Upon shut down /'s machine dies, into machine was inserted by water soap as much 27,3 liters. Water that is utilized is mineral water whereas soap it sunlight's brand, after machine was filled by soap, machine is turned around again (but doesn't result to energi) up to more or less 5 until 10 minutes at reuntil process thrice. Then soap water ex that machine washing a large part mongering because machine and rest heat its more or less 10 % (2,7 liters) channelled to go to relocation tank.
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